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Expediting Your Test

Learn about the Expedite feature add-on to get results 4X faster

Updated this week

The Expedite feature allows you to get test results 4X faster. With this feature enabled, typically you will have full results within 4-6 hours. The cost is $199 per test if you don't have the feature within your subscription.

The Expedite feature is available as a subscription feature and as a paid add-on feature for a specific test.

How does it work?

When the Expedite feature is enabled:

  • Skip BetaTesting review: Your test will most likely skip the Review period from BetaTesting. Non-expedited tests are usually reviewed manually by the BetaTesting team, but most Expedited tests are launched immediately. Testers > 150 testers may still require review.

  • Faster invites: We send out invites more quickly

  • Less spare time for testers: We provide testers with less spare time to complete the test. This allows us to replace testers more quickly if they don't finish in time, and get the full results faster. See the section below to learn about tester deadlines.

Test types that can use the Expedite feature

This feature is available on the following simple single-session test types:

  • Single Session Beta Test

  • Usability Video

  • Bug Hunt

  • Market Research Survey

How much time do testers get to complete the test?

With the Expedite feature, testers must complete the entire test within 2-3 hours (2 hours for tasks + 1 hour for survey). The default without the feature is 12-16 hours (12 hours for tasks + 4 hours for survey).

If my test takes 30 minutes, why does it take hours to complete?

  1. We need to recruit right testers. Our participants are real-world consumers and professionals, and we invite them privately in batches to ensure we can recruit the right number of quality participants. Our testers are not survey-takers that just sit there all day waiting for a test to pop up, so the invite process takes some time.

  2. We provide testers with extra time. If your test requires 30 minutes to complete, we provide testers with 12 hours by default to finish the tasks (2 hours with Expedite enabled), to give them plenty of time to plan their schedule and complete the test at the appropriate time. This leads to higher quality testing and feedback.

  3. We replace testers that don't finish. Some testers may miss their deadline. In that case, we need to replace them and allow the new tester with plenty of time to finish your test.

What are the requirements and responsibilities for customers?

  1. Your product must be immediately accessible. You can't use Expedite for closed betas that require you to manually provide access or whitelist emails / accounts. If you do this, there won't be enough time for testers to finish but we will still need to charge you for the test costs.

  2. Your test must be Automatic acceptance (not Manual Review and acceptance).

  3. Ensure that there are no critical issues with your software or your test process that will prohibit testers from accessing your product or completing the test.

Do you provide refunds if we mess something up?

We do not provide refunds for expedited tests, unless there was some issue/bug with the BetaTesting platform itself which impacted your results.

If there are problems with your software or your test process that prevent testers from fully testing, or your product is not immediately accessible to testers, we do not provide a refund. Once you launch the test, we immediately recruit testers and they spend time reviewing your instructions and getting started. It would be unfair to testers if they were not rewarded for their time.

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