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Beta Launch Campaign
Beta Launch Campaign

Get 250 - 1,000 early adopters to check out your product. Get quick feedback and build your tester community to re-engage anytime.

Updated over 5 months ago

The Beta Launch campaign is focused on promoting your product to the BetaTesting audience to recruit 250 - 1,000+ early adopters that have an interest in joining your beta tester community.

Goals for the Beta Launch campaign:

  1. Promote your product to consumers/professionals

  2. Recruit 250 - 1,000 real people on real devices to join your tester community

  3. Get feedback: Every user checks out your product, and provides quick feedback

  4. Re-engage your tester community: Now that you have a beta community, you can re-invite select testers and advocates to future "Pay as You Go" tests on beta testing for robust testing and user research.

How it Works

  1. Provide a brief overview of your product (used when we publicize your product, in our invite emails and on your test listing).

  2. Provide a more robust overview in the "About Your Product" section, including a link where testers can access your product (must be publicly accessible)

  3. Choose how many early adopters you want.

  4. Define the participant targeting criteria using 100's of available targeting options. Note: For a Beta Launch test, we require that the available audience size for your recruiting criteria is > 25,000. If you want a more targeted audience, you can use our other test types.

  5. Review and launch your test!

  6. The BetaTesting team will then do a review that typically takes anywhere from 3-24 hours. If all looks good, we'll approve you for launch, and you can launch any time.

After Launch

We begin to publicize your product to our 400,000 users through emails and our test listings.

  1. We send targeted emails to our most engaged users that match your defined device platforms and countries. We include info about your product that you provided when setting up your test.

  2. Users that are verified (matching device, verified location) can access the campaign and learn about your product and visit with the link you provide in the About Your Product section.

  3. After checking out your product, users complete a short 2-question survey with their feedback and first impressions

  4. You get users, feedback, and bug reports for any bugs users may encounter


Note: This is introductory pricing. Pricing may increase in the coming weeks, though we will honor any orders prepaid during this period, if your launch date is in the coming months and you cannot launch immediately. Please create an account in BetaTesting and start a new Beta Launch campaign to see the latest pricing.









Payment is due before the launch of the campaign (via credit card). We collect your credit card information securely in the checkout process.

Start planning your campaign free, with no credit card required until launch.


Can we choose specific target audience criteria for the Beta Launch Campaign?

Yes! We have 100+ unique targeting criteria that you can use to choose your audience.

The Beta Launch campaign is meant to cast a wide net to potential interested users. For that reason, we do require that your defined targeting criteria has > 25,000 participants.

If you want in-depth targeting and robust qualitative and quantitative feedback, please run any of our standard test types (with 100+ targeting criteria), like the Single Session Beta Test.

How can we re-target our tester community for future testing?

Every tester that joins your test is now a part of your test community on BetaTesting!

After your test ends, you can re-engage select testers (or all testers) in robust testing and research projects on BetaTesting through our Pay as You Go tests. Here are some examples:

  • Target advocates (users that gave your product a Net Promoter Score of 9 or 10 during the Beta Launch campaign) to complete a Usability Video test with more robust feedback as they engage with your app.

  • Run iterative bug testing to continue to squash bugs

  • Target your community based on demographics and profile data - e.g. invite users that have ChatGPT experience into another test.

We offer a wide variety of functionality to organize your test community (ratings, tagging, demographic filtering, etc) and invite specific users (or your entire audience) into future tests.

Pay as You Go tests average around $22 per tester. We also offer a Professional plan (subscription or per-project) for more complex test types with assistance from our team.

How many times can we run a Beta Launch campaign?

One (unless you have major product changes or new releases)

Do you guarantee the results?

Yes! As part of the campaign design, you can choose how many early adopters you want to target into your test community.

We guarantee that you get at least this many people to check out your product and provide quick feedback and first impressions through our standard 2-question survey that is part of this campaign.

We provide each user with a small incentive for their feedback ($1 / user) which is already included in the pricing at no additional cost. We also require that each user provide a screenshot to demonstrate that they checked out your product.

The way users engage with your product is entirely organic, based on their interest. We only require that testers check out your product and provide honest feedback. We don't enforce engagement requirements or dictate certain tasks, which allows us to keep the pricing for this campaign inexpensive.

How long does the campaign last?

Typically, we get all results within 24 hours! However, we will continue to promote your product to early adopters until we reach the number you have requested, so it may take up to 1 week to get the full results in some cases.

How do you promote our product?

We promote your product to our community of 400,000+ early adopters in several ways to help you get wide distribution and quick results. We send out direct emails to our most active users in batches when you launch. We also list your product on our test listings page when testers are logged in. We will continue to promote your product until you get the desired number of results.

What survey do the users complete? Can we customize it?

All the early adopters will complete a short survey to provide their quick feedback and first impressions. This includes 2 simple questions that cannot be customized:

  • How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend or colleague?

  • Please share your feedback about this product (what do you like, dislike, suggestions, concerns, ideas).

We automatically provide AI analysis in your feedback results, including sentiment, key phrases, and more.

Do you provide analysis for our traffic?

We do not provide traffic data or analysis for the traffic that we send to your link, as we send users directly to the link you provide without any redirects. If you wish to track your traffic from BetaTesting, ensure you are providing a link that will allow you to do that.

Are the results public or private?

The results from your campaign and the feedback you receive is entirely private. No user can see the feedback from any other user.

How many emails are included?

We send as many as we need to in order to hit the number of early adopters you request. Normally as part of a Beta Launch campaign we are sending thousands of emails to our community. We stop sending emails once we've hit your desired number of users.

Note that we also publicize your product in other ways through our community, and these channels may sometimes have higher response rates. These include within test listings, on our public website, social media channels, and other contact methods based on user preferences (e.g. SMS), etc. In general our goal is to help you get the requested number of users and feedback as quickly as possible with the highest quality users.


  • Most products will only be eligible for one Beta Launch campaign, so ensure you make the most of it.

  • The link to your website or app that you provide must be publicly accessible.

    • If you have a pre-launch app, you can only distribute your app using a publicly available link (e.g. TestFlight public beta link, or Google Play Open beta testing). Closed beta testing, where you need to whitelist emails or accounts, is not supported with this test type.

    • You must have a fully functioning product, and users must immediately get access automatically upon signing up.

The "About Your Product" section and other campaign details cannot be used to provide users with any tasks or instructions. Users are meant to check out your product and and engage on their own terms (organically) and provide quick feedback and first impressions. If you wish to provide a more robust test with tasks, please use the Single Session Beta Test type, or similar.

  • You cannot require and should not base your expectations on users purchasing something. If your product is only paid or has some type of payment gate, you should expect that most or all users only check out the freely accessible portion. Of course if users find your product amazing and compelling, they may be inclined to buy it, just like any other users you market to.

Get started now with your Beta Launch campaign

Book a call to discuss the Beta Launch campaign

Or get started now and build your Beta Launch campaign! No credit card required until launch.

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